Sunday, November 25, 2007

BYU vs. Utah game

Connor, Jake and Derrek getting ready for the big game.

Connor, Jake, Mark (he is Neal's 45 year old Uncle with Down's and he loves BYU as much as Connor does), and Neal went to the BYU vs. Utah game. Connor and Mark sat together in Marks seats and Neal and Jake sat in our seats. Jake was very sad that the Utes lost.

Connor was ecstatic that BYU won. He and Mark charged the field at the end of the game and got pictures with Brian Kehl and Max Hall. They also got to touch the Mountain West trophy. They were very happy boys when they came home.


Unknown said...

I was wondering how you house fared after the game yesterday. I was very pleased with the outcome but I knew that in your house, someone was going to be disappointed. You guys just can't win now matter how things end up!

YoungFamilyBlog said...

The kids look so cute. I bet they had so much fun at the game.
